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1C: Trade Management
"1C: Trade Management 8" is a modern tool for increasing the business efficiency of a trading enterprise. The program allows to comprehensively automate the tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations, thereby ensuring the effective management of a modern trading enterprise.

One of the main features of 1C: Trade Management 8 is its versatility - the program supports all main types of trade (retail, wholesale, credit, pre-order, commission), which allows it to be successfully implemented in most trade organizations.
Subject area automated using "1C: Trade Management 8"

The program can register both already completed and planned business transactions. "1C: Trade Management 8" automates the preparation of almost all primary trade and warehouse accounting documents, as well as cash flow documents. "1C: Trade Management 8" is designed for any type of trading operations. Accounting functions have been implemented - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to receiving various analytical reports.

The solution allows to maintain management accounting for the trading enterprise as a whole. For an enterprise with a holding structure, documents can be drawn up on behalf of several organizations included in the holding.
The program supports the following taxation systems:
general taxation system - GTS (registration of entrepreneurs operating under an individual scheme (IE) is not supported);
simplified taxation system - STS;
patent tax system (PTS).

The functionality of the solution can be flexibly adapted by enabling/disabling various functional options. For example, in this way the program can be significantly simplified for a small organization by disabling many features necessary only for large companies (the disabled functionality is hidden from the interface and does not interfere with the work of users). The following will be a description of the functionality of the solution including all options. "1C: Trade Management 8" provides automatic selection of data necessary for accounting and transfer of this data to "1C: Accounting 8".

Using the "1C: Trade Management 8" program together with other programs allows to comprehensively automate wholesale and retail enterprises. The program can be used as a control system for the "1C: Retail 8" solution.

Who can use 1C: Trade Management 8?
"1C: Trade Management 8" will allow to create a unified information space in your company, organize clear interaction between departments, and help employees work as a single team. Using the program will make it possible to increase the efficiency of an enterprise by automating routine operations, maintaining records in real time, and quickly and conveniently preparing information for decision-making at different levels.

Head of a trading company. The director will have at his disposal all the necessary software tools for interactive analysis of the situation and obtaining detailed transcripts of the indicators of interest. "1C: Trade Management 8" will allow to constantly be aware of the real state of affairs for operational decisions and plans for business development.

Heads and specialists of trade departments. Wide possibilities for preparing all the necessary documents, managing product distribution and pricing, accepting orders and monitoring their execution, optimizing warehouse stocks, analyzing trade turnover, planning purchases and deliveries will make "1C: Trade Management 8" a reliable assistant to all responsible persons, no matter what direction or area they lead.

Accounting service workers. The program allows to effectively automate the daily work of trade and warehouse accounting, bringing it in line with the needs of real business. At the same time, regular information and methodological support from 1C will allow to keep records in accordance with current legislation and transfer the necessary accounting data to the accounting system.

IT specialists. The openness of the system and the ease of its adaptation, wide scaling and integration capabilities, simplicity and ease of administration and support will allow to spend a minimum of effort on solving "low-level" technological issues. By adapting 1C: Trade Management 8 to the needs of their organizations, IT specialists will be able to concentrate on meaningful, creative tasks of automating business processes.

1C: Managing our company
1C: Managing our company (1C: UNF) capabilities:

- CRM and marketing;
- Trade and services;
- Warehouse and purchasing;
- Production;
- Salary and personnel;
- Finance;
- Data exchange and integration with the site;
- Mobile app;
- IP telephony.

Who is it suitable for:
For trading companies: full sales cycle and sales funnel construction, telephony, control and management of the goods delivery process in 1C:UNF.
For online stores: filling 1C:UNF with data from your existing 1C-Bitrix website.
For individual entrepreneurs: automatic accounting of expenses for the purchase of goods in income and expenditure ledger and a standard form of an employment contract for micro-enterprises.
For companies of any field of activity: images for product characteristics, money transfers to foreign banks and new opportunities for printing documents: signatures, personnel orders and envelopes.

CRM and marketing
- Planning meetings and calls, workload of managers, sales and needs;
- Creation of contracts, commercial proposals based on user templates;
- Storing information about assortment items and prices. Analysis of sales prices and use of discount cards:
- Client monitor: all client data: amount of debt, amount of sales, date of last sale and last event;
- Customer analysis: sales funnel, ABC/XYZ, debt;
- Analysis of managers on revenue, debts, events, orders, sales dynamics, implementation of the sales plan;
- IP telephony and calls through a mobile application.

Trade and services
Wholesale. All the main tasks for small and medium-sized businesses have been implemented: from customs clearance of goods to sales, taking into account additional costs and calculation of profitability for each order.
Retail. 1C:UNF implements the ability to automate retail sales. It includes one of the main tools for working on the sales floor - the "Cashier Workplace". Accounting is supported in formats familiar to retail trade: total and quantitative-total. Provision is made for the generation of specialized retail reports. It is possible to connect a variety of external equipment: cash registers, scanners, scales, etc.
Online store. The main task of the program for automating an online store is to automate the receipt of applications from the site, as well as high-quality automation of the process of processing and fulfilling orders. 1C:UNF provides the ability to work both from a warehouse (when goods are purchased in advance) and "to order". It is possible to set up and track several types of "sales funnel", which allows to implement different procedures for interacting with clients.
Services. The entire range of work on planning, providing and analyzing the execution of services, as well as the process of delivering goods to customers directly in 1C:UNF, is automated.

Warehouse and purchasing
- Accounting for inventory, supplies and purchases;
- Reception of all goods arriving at the warehouse, indicating quantities and prices. In "1C:UNF" can be indicated the receipt of services provided and the previously transferred advance;
- Transfer of inventory between warehouses, divisions and cells;
- Registration of sales of goods from the warehouse, taking into account prepayment or discounts provided;
- Fixation of the supply process using various schemes;
- Accounting for receipts and all related transactions;
- Carrying out inventory of the warehouse;
- Reporting for analysis of goods and warehouses, and procurement planning.

- Maintaining production records - custom and serial;
- Accounting for production and semi-finished products;
- Control of all stages of production and order fulfillment;
- Analysis of the implementation of piecework orders;
- Planning of direct and indirect production costs.

Salary and personnel
- Registration of hiring, dismissal, personnel transfer;
- Keeping track of working hours in one program;
- Planning the workload of personnel in the form of issuing work assignments or piecework orders;
- Assessment of the labor efficiency of each employee;
- Payroll calculation by types of accruals and deductions.

- Formation of budgets (Cash Flow Budget);
- Planning of direct and indirect costs, income and expenses;
- Keeping records of income and expenses;
- Plan-actual analysis of budget execution;
- Formation of a management balance sheet: the financial condition of the enterprise, the structure of its assets, liabilities, the state of equity capital;
- Management of receivables and payables;
- Accounting for loans and borrowings;
- Analysis of the status of mutual settlements on a wide range of reports;
-Maintaining records of tangible and intangible property.

Business analysis
- General performance indicators: revenue, cost, gross profit, expense and profit;
- Cash: information on balances and cash flows by item, for the period;
- Settlements with customers (accounts receivable) for the period, including overdue debt and debt due;
- Settlements with suppliers (accounts payable) for the period, including overdue debt and debt due;
- Regular distribution of the "State of the Company" report.

1С: Accounting
1C:Accounting 8 is the most popular accounting program that can take accounting automation to a whole new level.
A convenient product and services connected to it will allow to effectively solve the problems of the accounting department of any business.
The 1C company is continuously improving the program and services in order to offer a modern and universal accounting solution that meets the needs and tasks of users.

What is "1C:Accounting 8"?

"1C: Accounting 8" is a professional accountant's tool with which you can maintain accounting and tax records, prepare and submit mandatory reports. The program combines all the achievements of previous versions and new solutions based on the practical experience of accountants of hundreds of thousands of enterprises and organizations.
Clear accounting in accordance with legislation and business needs, saving time when calculating taxes, preparing documents and business transactions, effective user support combined with high comfort of work - these are just some of the key features of 1C: Accounting 8.
1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2
"1C:ERP Enterprise Management" is intended for building complex information systems for managing the activities of multi-industry enterprises, taking into account the best global practices in the automation of large and medium-sized businesses.

What is 1C:ERP used for?
to optimize the production process, draw up a reliable schedule of activities, taking into account equipment load and provision of resources;
during the transition from obsolete disparate management systems - to organize effective work in a single information space;
for simple and convenient tracking of key performance indicators of the enterprise at all levels of management;
for the coordinated work of enterprise services in the construction and execution of sales, production and procurement plans;
to implement an effective cash management system and develop optimal ways to achieve the company's financial goals;
to increase the efficiency of commercial and logistics services, improve the quality of customer service, increase the accuracy and efficiency of obtaining information;
to obtain reliable data on the activities of the enterprise, costs and revenues in the context of the required analytics.

1С: Document flow
"1C: Document Flow" is not just a document management system, but also a modern ECM system (Enterprise Content Management) with a wide range of functionality for regulating business processes and employee collaboration. The program allows to automate standard processes of working with documents, organize electronic document flow, ensure control over the execution of tasks, and regulate management activities.

Features of "1C: Document Flow"

Working with contract documents;
Document management;
Effective process management;
Accounting for working time planning;
Project accounting and execution control;

Working with contract documents

Use "1C: Document Flow" to easily create contracts, accompanying or related documentation using templates and document links. Monitor the processes of agreement, signing, and execution of the contract. Monitor the fulfillment of obligations or the availability of accompanying documents.
- "1C: Document Flow" supports the main processes of contractual work:
- preparation of the contract;
- harmonization of the contract;
- control of the return of transferred copies;
- accounting of accompanying documents;
- accounting for the validity period;
- execution of obligations;
- termination.
- In this case, the program performs everything that is possible on its own:
- extends contracts if necessary;
- monitors the transfer of the document to the counterparty for signature;
- controls the timing of contracts and stages.

Planning and execution of project tasks

Project plan. Consists of a list of project tasks combined into a hierarchical structure, indicating planned completion dates. The project schedule is calculated automatically based on the relationships of project tasks, work calendar, restrictions and settings. The project plan can be downloaded from MS Project.
The project plan and track the status of project tasks can be viewed at all stages of implementation in the following modes:
- planning - to draw up a project plan;
- sending for execution - for timely sending of project tasks for execution;
- implementation control - to monitor the implementation of project tasks;
- labor cost analysis - to analyze planned and actual labor costs;
- full - the mode displays the full set of columns in the list;
- Gantt chart - a graphical representation of a project plan.

Autofill with details

The program supports automatic filling of contract files. The text of the agreement is filled in automatically from the card details, for example, Number, Date, Title, Amount, Validity period and others.

Harmonization of contract

The agreement is approved using the Approval process. Parallel, sequential, or mixed matching, as well as conditional matching, can be used.
For example, mixed approval allows to implement regulations for processing a contract, according to which the contract can be approved in parallel by the chief accountant and lawyer, after them - the deputy general director and, if there are no comments, the general director. Based on the approval results, you can print the Approval Sheet.

Multilateral treaties

The program can take into account contracts concluded with more than two parties (multilateral). To do this, just enter a list of correspondents with whom the contract has been drawn up. If contracts with several correspondents are concluded regularly, indicate them in the template. In this case, they will be placed in the document immediately when it is created using the template. When searching for agreements by correspondent, the list of found documents will also include multilateral agreements containing the specified correspondent.
The program reflects the transfer of the contract to the counterparty for signature. The expected return period is indicated. The program automatically monitors this deadline and notifies the person in charge if the document is not returned by the counterparty on time. The program helps control the availability of scanned copies of original documents and reminds employees about this.

Automatic renewal

The program keeps track of the duration of contracts and the rules for their renewal. When the validity period approaches and expires, "1C: Document Flow 8" automatically notifies the person responsible for the contract. The program can automatically extend the validity period of a document if this is allowed for the document.
- The validity period can be changed automatically:
- when concluding an additional agreement with a new validity period;
- upon early termination of the contract;
- upon automatic renewal of the contract.
The deadline can also be changed manually. The entire history of changes in the terms of the contract is preserved.

Document management

Prepare documents in accordance with the organization's corporate standards, using templates with the necessary details and forms. Track changes and versions of each document, control the quality of preparation and location of paper copies, scan documentation. Send documents for approval, approval, review and execution, monitoring performance discipline.

1C: Retail
Everything you need for trading is in one program: sales, inventory accounting, analytics, warehouse management, personnel management and other features.

"1C: Retail" is suitable for automating an individual store and retail network.

Connect an online cash register, barcode scanner and other equipment, work with labeled goods, sell online through marketplaces and social networks, exchange documents via EDI, analyze the efficiency of trade - "1C: Retail" will help streamline your work and take your business to a new level.

1C:ITS - a unique agreement for receiving services by users "1C: Enterprise"

Information technology support (1C:ITS) is a comprehensive support that 1C, together with official partners, provides users of 1C: Enterprise programs.

Support for users of 1C programs is provided under the 1C:ITS agreement

The 1C:ITS agreement can be concluded by users of programs of the 1C: Enterprise system - legal entities or individuals who have purchased the legal version of the program.

The 1C:ITS contract is concluded with a partner of 1C, for example, with the one from whom the program was purchased. For high-quality information technology support, service and consulting services, 1C recommends contacting 1C Support Centers or service partners in your region.

Concluding a 1C:ITS treaty, users of 1C programs receive:

Legal updates of 1C software products;

Professional 1C:ITS Information System;

Service and consulting services of 1C and its partners.

Without a valid contract, the 1C:ITS right to use the program is not lost, the program will work in full, but the user has the right to install only those updates from 1C that were received before the end of the 1C:ITS agreement. In this case, the user retains the right to independently change the program code.